Grazing Earth's pastures in a COW's (Citizen Of the World) quest for Peace, Truth and Justice.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Senate Republicans choose the Money changers over Middle class Workers
ONE ISSUE, just one: a firm date, end of March 2009, to reduce pay for American auto workers to the level of foreign auto companies making cars in America.The unions and management even agreed to reach parity, but not a date certain--not in these times.
I believe the Republicans knew this would be a poison pill--it simply is NOT reasonable to insist on a firm date for something that is not the root cause of the problem to begin with!
This was NOT a bail out--there were many conditions hammered out by both parties, GOP Senator Corker of Tennessee in particular addressing the GOP concerns--and with the exception of a date certain had agreement on EVERY OTHER ISSUE.
The pain and suffering, the further destruction of our economy and market meltdown that will most certainly ensue can be put directly, DIRECTLY in the lap of the Republican party, who once again proved they stand with usurious money lenders, but not middle class workers.
Friday, December 05, 2008
The Psalm of a Psych Patient
The mental duress many people carry with them is an awful load and for the most extreme cases of mental illness their delusions--be they vampires or witches swirling about, strangers attacking with clubs, evil spirits filling their bodies--are REAL, it is their honestly held REAL beliefs, from which they can find no relief. Medicines help in varying degrees but many resist. As one of the fine cadre of psychiatrists told me such diseased people--who are BORN with the illness-- are on a natural "high" and it takes the medicines to bring them down, which is a state they don't like in comparison with their normal (to them) state.
Be thankful, EXTREMELY thankful, for your mental as well as physical health. That you have the ability and freedom to read this and go and do as you please. Being able to leave the hospital at the end of the day gives me such a great appreciation for what I have and did not realize I had!
And to those who you may meet that seem a little off, consider the burden that may theirs alone. Their disease may not have reached the degree of severity that requires hospitalization but many, many among us labor with mental distress, depression chief among them.
The Psalm of a Psych Patient
A fervent cry from God’s humble servant …
"Oh God
I am under severe attack by patients
I am under extreme pressure
I am under sever threats everywhere on this ward.
LORD, get me a Holy Ghost attorney,
A Holy Ghost judge, a Holy Ghost jury,
A Holy Ghost friend.
In Jesus’ name, in Jesus’ name.
Glory to the Father
Glory to the Son
Glory to the Holy Ghost.
I have been unfairly treated
I have had horrid racial slurs heaped upon me
I have been attacked by my persecutors and fellow patients
God you have healed me before and delivered me
May God of the Heavenly Heavens bless you.
My sisters are greatly insane and do bad to me
Lord, where will my help come from, who will come to my rescue?
God, please get me help."
Amen. In Jesus name
Your servant, Gertrude (not her real name)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ayn Shrugged
Alas, Ayn shrugged.
These same rugged individualists, who Ms. Rand idealized in her objectivist philosophy, have now come running to us, the American taxpayer, for salvation. Truly, it seems, no man is an island, even a master of the universe.
The root problem is that implicit in Rand’s call for unbridled freedom is an assumption that all people will act with integrity and honesty. Adam Smith, who hailed the invisible hand of the marketplace, went even further than Rand by promoting as an end society’s greater interest.
Yet, time and again, we are confronted with a reality that is far different. Some people lack integrity and will cheat. To be sure the bad apples are a small minority, but that is all it takes. Often the rest have to break the rules in order to stay competitive thus causing a true race to the bottom. Beyond that the temptation of easy money spreads where an “everybody’s doing it” mentality sets in.
And as we are finding out now, like a previous generation did after the crash of 1929, the less the oversight the more the propensity for runaway greed. Self-regulation is a complete myth, promulgated by those who abuse their freedom to unduly enrich themselves.
Our public policy should therefore mirror what has made America great: individual freedom combined with social responsibility. We, through our government, have the absolute duty to properly regulate commerce. Such oversight protects not only the consumer but also the honest businessperson, from the predations of the less scrupulous.
Part of our social responsibility is a properly funded government that does as the pre-amble to the Constitution demands, that is, to “promote the general Welfare.” Now more than ever must we pull together, and bear each other’s burdens. We do this a million different ways individually and in important, even life-saving, ways through the united strength of our government.
In the end the disciples of Ayn Rand were crushed by the error of her premise. Talented, hard working industrialists do not and cannot succeed in a vacuum. It takes an intricate network of many different people, with many different abilities, doing many different jobs to create an environment for genius to flourish.
Ayn shrugged. But united, we’ll stand.
Richard F. Dawahare 10.20.08
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bush Bails-out on Faith, Banks on Fear
These must be corrected before Congress passes the plan, which I would agree is necessary at this point. Let us remember, that it was 25 years of a volatile Republican mixture of total unregulated free-market supremacy, combined with corrupt bribe taking (campaign cash—and possibly non-campaign cash as well—in exchange for favorable legislation) that got us to this brink, and now they all, John McCain especially, are tripping all over themselves to be Democrats and finally get the government they are so quick to hate to come to the rescue.
Great! Adversity makes Democrats of us all.
But what struck me about Bush’s scaremongering is that it seemed so out of place from a person who professes such a Christian faith.
Bush: “More banks could fail, including some in your community.”
Bible: “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Tim 1:7
Bush: “The stock market would drop even more, which would reduce the value of your retirement account.”
Bible: Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods. Ps 40:4
Bush: “The value of your home could plummet. Foreclosures would rise dramatically.”
Bible: Let the righteous rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him; let
all the upright in heart praise him! Ps 64:10
Bush: “If you own a business or farm you would find it harder and more expensive to get credit.”
Bible: He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting
in the LORD. Ps 112:7
Bush: “More businesses would close their doors and millions of Americans could lose their jobs.”
Bible: It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man or princes
Ps 118:8-9
Bush: “Ultimately, our country could experience a long and painful recession.”
Bible: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding; Pro 3:5
Of course, we must act and act with faith. However, it would be more credible from the nation’s top elected leader if he would act as if he’s actually learned something from past mistakes and also act consistently with his professed beliefs.
Wisdom and prudence—absolutely, but fear-mongering has no place at his podium.
Richard F. Dawahare 9/25/08
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Upper Crust Socialists--Crony Communism in the USA
Fact number one: the Republicans now in charge, along with the citizens who so loudly and brashly supported them over these last 28 years, have promoted and enacted 1920's style Laissez-faire free market policies, and have ridiculed sensible regulatory measures while branding those who warned of the danger of unfettered free market capitalism as “socialists,” “communists,” and anti-American sucklings of the government teat.
Fact number two: these same Republicans have long believed in trickle down economics, and to that extent have cut taxes, passed crony-capitalist policies, kick-backs, subsidies, special favors (eg, letting the credit industry write the bankruptcy laws), and no-bid contracts to allow an unprecedented concentration of wealth at the top, the likes of which we have seldom seen before and reminiscent of the pre-Depression era.
Fact number three: Since President Bush took office more than 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance, 4 million Americans have lost their pensions, foreclosures are at record levels, consumer debt has more than doubled and the national debt is $9.7 TRILLION dollars.
Fact number four: Under the Republican control the top .1% now earn more money than the bottom 50% and the top 1% have more wealth than the bottom 90%. The wealthiest 400 people saw their wealth increase by $670 BILLION dollars, while median family income has dropped by more than $2,000
Fact number five: Both McCain and Bush, until JUST THIS MONDAY AFTERNOON, have continually erred about the true state of our economy, repeatedly stating that it was “fundamentally strong.”
Fact number six: The Bush bail-out plan, authored by the nation’s top financial leaders, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, calls on that lower 90%--the mainstream American taxpayer—to pay for the mistakes, the greed, the self-interested ineptitude of their cronies, who at this point keep every dollar of their mis-begotten gains while suffering NONE of the risk! This is socialism all right, socialism for the rich:
WE take the big risk (without wanting or asking for it), THEY get the reward.
I will later present my plan for a sane and just reform.
Richard F. Dawahare September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Will the Real Democrat please stand up!
a) “I think, still the fundamentals of our economy are strong.”
b) “The American economy is in a crisis”
c) “The greed and corruption that some engaged in on Wall Street and we’ve got to fix it.”
d) “We will clean up Wall Street. We will reform government.”
Answer: John McCain, all of the above.
Incredibly McCain, on the same day, began his Monday saying the economy was strong, but after seeing the Dow drop 500 points turn an about face and say that it was in a crisis. Further, he has loudly and repeatedly donned the traditional Democratic cloak as the new superhero to reform, regulate and thereby restore prosperity while he has been part of the big money taking politicians in charge that helped create this mess.
John McCain has been an erstwhile member of the Republican trickle down, de-regulators who has voted with President Bush 95% of the time, and now he is saying he will adopt what is bedrock Democratic policy.
One more question: who’s the better Democrat, one who has been one and acted like one from day one, or one who fought Democratic policy and who now, on the eve of an election where he is about to be defrocked as an aider and abettor of the Wall Street carnage is doing a 180 to proclaim his change of heart to Democratic principles?
Intellectual honesty knows the answer to that, but I will spell it out. The better, and only, Democrat in this race, the one who will oversee proper regulation, a change of tax laws that will indeed restore Clinton level tax rates (hardly onerous, the top rate being just under 40%), and more help for workers suffering from a distressed economy is B-A-R-A-C-K O-B-A-M-A.
You can sit down now Mr. McCain, but thank you for your support of the Democratic principles. Oh, and you don’t have to be president to help, just support the new measures, the ones you now say you’ll lead to have enacted.
And one final request: if you really have a secret plan to capture bin Laden, why won’t you share it until you are elected? It might be the all-American thing, the right thing, to speak up NOW, if you have some special information that could help in his capture. To wait is un-American. To delay what may strengthen our national security in a vain effort to win votes from people who should know better might reasonably be called by what it is: traitorous.
Richard F. Dawahare 9/18/09
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Elections and the (psychotic) State of the Union
McCain/Palin are banking their whole campaign on this delusion, hoping that their web of lies will once again ensnare voters too scared or scornful to see reality. McCain's biggest lie is that he is now all of a sudden for change and that he is best suited for it.
Change? For what, exactly? Certainly he does not mean a change from disastrous Bush policies that have under-funded government's rightful ability to help the average American, for McCain calls for even more tax cuts. Does anyone need reminding that the mortgage and credit crises were caused by lax federal oversight and laws written by the credit industry who were given that favor with their large payoffs to the Republican-led politicians paid to do their bidding?
Surely he can't mean change in our bull-in-a-china-shop foreign policy, as he has long called for attacking Iran, and he seems too intent on exerting American military might in places and at times that are totally inappropriate for it.
McCain has been part and parcel of the Republican-dominated federal government for over 20 years. In fact, according to the Congressional Voting Studies the self-proclaimed "maverick" McCain has voted with President Bush 95 percent of the time.
Let that sink in: The man now calling for change is apparently admitting the errors of his whole previous career in Washington and is willing to change course.
Yet, if this is so, why choose Sarah Palin as his running mate? For she stands as firmly for those same disproven policies as McCain, and she is just as eager to lie about it. Her claim that she's a master pork fighter is completely bogus. As a mayor, Palin hired a lobbyist to canvass Washington annually to support earmarks for Wasilla totaling $27 million. As governor she has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the nation's largest per capita request.
Palin's biggest whopper is her one and only professed credential to fight pork (as if that is even the biggest problem facing America), namely her opposition to the famous $398 million "bridge to nowhere." In fact she supported the bridge until it became a national embarrassment and the impossibility of its construction became a fait accompli. As governor in August 2006, she said, "We need to come to the defense of southeast Alaska when proposals are on the table, like the bridge, and not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into something that's so negative," according to the Ketchikan Daily News.
McCain/Palin foisted other distortions as well. From the real nature of the tax proposals (Obama's would actually leave a big majority of citizens with 5 percent more after-tax income, McCain's with only 3 percent) to the true mission of Republican politics (diminishing Social Security, Medicaid and public education). McCain/Palin covered their lies with a thick layer of lipstick.
Coated with Prozac.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Do you REALLY believe this GOP?
Fact is, however, that none of the speakers in Denver spoke critically of McCain except in regards to the failed Bush policies that he vows to continue. None of the Democratic speakers condemned an entire religion, the Muslims. None of the Dems even hinted at any religious test for the presidency, much less a fundamentalist Christian one. No Dem invoked religion, hatred of another race or culture, or fear as a reason to either vote for them or against McCain.
However, every Republican speaker has done so. It is vile. It is hypocritical to their professed belief in Jesus Christ to lie, to invoke his name in a false appeal to fear. Yet the hypocrisy of donning the cloak of Jesus while acting precisely in the opposite manner is totally consistent with the notso G OP since the Reagan revolution, and even moreso during the Bush tenure.
For 6 years, SIX YEARS, they controlled both houses of Congress AND the White House, a period in which our current problems were created. What was once a surplus has become a record deficit. What was once a near-balanced budget has become an unprecedented disaster. What was once a world-respected America has become a world-reviled renegade.
Yet these charlatans claim the Democrats will somehow outspend the Republicans who have, in their 6 years of control recklessly spent RECORD amounts! Further,the self-professed disciples of Jesus crucify the Democrats for choosing peace, and peaceful approaches to troubled areas, as being the wrong way.
Did you get this? Jesus’ way, according to Palin, Thomas, Giulliani and company, is the wrong way, the evil way, the LOSING way. Instead, as if we have forgotten that Bush sold the Iraqi war on lies and misinformation—a war that went horribly wrong and for which we will pay for many decades—they have essentially called for permanent war.
Watching the Convention Tuesday night I was greatly amused by the repeated promotion of AMERICAN UNITY. Did they not realize that the number two in their party, McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin, once belonged to The Alaskan Independence Party that called for Alaska to secede from America?!
And now, after two nights of what seems more a Saturday Night Live parody than the real thing, I will agree with my buddy that “I’ve never known how great John McCain was till tonight.” Palin touts McCain as one who will keep America safe like he apparently did in Vietnam. While my admiration runs deep for a man who answered the call of duty and who suffered so much in the prison camp I must ask in response to Mrs. Palin's claim—What did McCain do in the Vietnamese war--like Iraq one we wrongly, unnecessarily and illegally waged—to keep us safe? Was he, before his capture, one who napalmed Vietnamese kids? Did he help kill the over two million Vietnamese civilians who did not in the least jeopardize our safety?
The fact is, these Republicans still believe the Vietnamese war was right and just and that our only mistake was in not nuking them into submission. The real danger is that these people are still in the thralls of this flawed mindset, and so see nothing wrong with the Iraqi war or, more importantly, future wars if pursued against any country that they find sufficiently scary, ie opposed to our will and way.
Thus, get ready for perpetual warfare. Iraq? We are there forever. And Iran is on deck with China in the wings.
Get ready to send your children or grandchildren to battle my friends. This Republican ideology is based on error and fear and opposes every principle of Universal Morality and the REAL teachings of Jesus. Should they retain power they will follow this false dogma to a guaranteed state of constant conflict and our ultimate destruction.
This is not to say that Obama and the Democrats will “make it all better.” His own militant bias is seen in his avowal to increase our presence in Afghanistan, and to use pre-emptive and unilateral force in even the vaguest of circumstances. Yet, in every other way he, and the Democrats, start from a position of an open-minded inquiry and dialogue and not an automatic mind-shutting “Islamic terrorism—KILL!” mentality.
The fact is that people will, for the most part, not be swayed. Those who are diehard conservatives, or who are totally prejudiced towards blacks will vote McCain; those who are…well, what do I say here—sensible, fair, in tune with the American ideal of sharing and caring, compassionate, what?—will vote for Obama.
How many swing voters, who they are and how the candidates may sway them I do not know. But it is obvious the Republicans are banking on their usual M.O. that the average voter is a shallow thinking, superficial automaton.
This year, however, they just might be surprised. I truly hope so.
Do you REALLY believe this GOP?
Fact is, however, that none of the speakers in Denver spoke critically of McCain except in regards to the failed Bush policies that he vows to continue. None of the Democratic speakers condemned an entire religion, the Muslims. None of the Dems even hinted at any religious test for the presidency, much less a fundamentalist Christian one. No Dem invoked religion, hatred of another race or culture, or fear as a reason to either vote for them or against McCain.
However, every Republican speaker has done so. It is vile. It is hypocritical to their professed belief in Jesus Christ to lie, to invoke his name in a false appeal to fear. Yet the hypocrisy of donning the cloak of Jesus while acting precisely in the opposite manner is totally consistent with the notso G OP since the Reagan revolution, and even moreso during the Bush tenure.
For 6 years, SIX YEARS, they had both houses of Congress AND the White House, a period in which our current problems were created. What was once a surplus has become a record deficit. What was once a near-balanced budget has become an unprecedented disaster. What was once a world-respected America has become a world-reviled renegade.
Yet these charlatans claim the Democrats will somehow outspend the Republicans who have, in their 6 years of control recklessly spent RECORD amounts! The self-professed disciples of Jesus crucify the Democrats for choosing peace, and peaceful approaches to troubled areas, as being a wrong choice..
Did you get this: Jesus’ way, according to the hypocrites Palin, Thomas, Giulliani and company, is the wrong way, the evil way, the LOSING way. Instead, as if we have forgotten that Bush sold the Iraqi on lies and misinformation—a war that went horribly wrong and for which we will pay for many decades—they have essentially called for permanent war.
Watching the Convention Tuesday night I was greatly amused by the repeated promotion of AMERICAN UNITY. Did they not realize that the number two in their party, McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin, once belonged to The Alaskan Independence Party that called for Alaska to secede from America?!
As my buddy says after watching a couple of nights of the Republican Convention, “I’ve never known how great John McCain was till tonight.” Palin touts McCain as one who will keep America safe as he apparently did in Vietnam. While my admiration runs deep for a man who answered the call of duty and who suffered so much in the prison camp I must ask in response to Mrs. Palin—What did McCain do in the Vietnamese war, one we wrongly, unnecessarily and illegally waged—to keep us safe? Was he before his capture one who napalmed Vietnamese kids? Did he help kill the over two million Vietnamese civilians who did not in the least jeopardize our safety?
The fact is, these Republicans still believe the Vietnamese war was right and just and that our only mistake was in not nuking them to submission. The real danger is that these people are still in the thralls of this flawed mindset, and so see nothing wrong with the Iraqi war or, more importantly, future wars if pursued against any country that they find sufficiently scary.
Thus, PERPETUAL WAR. Iraq? We are there forever. Iran is on deck and China is in the wings.
Get ready to send your children or grandchildren to battle my friends. This Republican ideology is based on error and fear and opposes every principle of Universal Morality and the REAL teachings of Jesus. Should they retain power they will follow this false dogma to a guaranteed state of constant conflict.
This is not to say that Obama and the Democrats will “make it all better.” He has his own militant tendencies as witnessed by his avowal to increase our presence in Afghanistan, and to use pre-emptive and unilateral force in even the vaguest of circumstances. Yet, in every other way he, and the Democrats, start from a position of an open-minded inquiry and dialogue and not automatic mind-shutting “Islamic terrorism—KILL!” mentality.
The fact is that people will, for the most part, not be swayed. Those who are diehard conservatives, or who are totally prejudiced to blacks will vote McCain; those who are…well, what do I say here—sensible, fair, in tune with the American ideal of sharing and caring, compassionate, what?—will vote for Obama.
How many swing voters, who they are and how the candidates may sway them I do not know. But it is obvious the Republicans are banking on their usual M.O. that the average voter is a shallow thinking, superficial automaton.
This year, however, they just might be surprised. I truly hope so.
Richard F. Dawahare9/3/08
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Do Bugs Think, Did Nazis Pray?
Thus, a bee can make the most mathematically perfect structure for storing honey, has done so for thousands of years, and yet not one of them have ever cracked an engineering or architectural textbook. Inbred, hot-wired instinct is all that can explain such natural perfection. [For a fascinating review of the honeycomb's perfection and scientists who have proven same, see this article from Science News,].
Yet all living organisms share one common trait: we scurry from pain and hurry to pleasure. Humans use both instinct and mind to do this. Insects? Well, perhaps it is the instinct from the honeycomb example that similarly moves them. But note how the fly that sees it's about ready to be swatted flits away. This is MIND, not instinct, same as with humans.
If insects can process, through sight--or sound or touch or smell--information that its brain translates into action messages that its body responds to, is this not more than instinct?
And if this is true, is it likewise possible that that same mind might similarly process emotional impulses. Keep in mind that it is this feature that is commonly believed to be the exclusive province of mammalia, our beloved kingdom. Not reptiles, not birds, not fish or insects, only mammals--including Fido and Kitsy--are believed to be the only life that can feel joy, or sadness, betrayal or loyalty, fear or courage, love or hate.*
Who knows maybe that wasp following you around really doesn't like you after all. Maybe it's the fragrance you're wearing. Try "Eau de Bouse de Vache" instead!
Next installment coming up: "Did Nazis Pray?"
*Does it matter? In the long moral arc of the universe, I don't know. Certainly in the weighing process of immediacy I have no issue, spraying a silverfish on my carpet, or a fly in the kitchen. Believe it or not, I do pray for what soul may or may not be there, but I don't know if I do this to "cover my bases" with the God of us all, or just because I really do feel bad about taking a life. And I do feel this, I just don't feel it enough to keep me from enjoying my own selfish desire to be bug-free.
Perhaps then, respect for life is built on a ladder of degrees. Had I the respect for life, for the sake of life itself, I would therefore put the insect on the highest rung with fellow humans, and I would never kill it. Of course, fellow humans who I would rather not be in my home are generally not there. But what if a visitor came and overstayed their welcome. I mean, I wouldn't spray him with a can of Raid (note, I did not say "her" for such has unfortunately not been the case lately--or maybe that's a good thing).
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Well, I’ve become a split pea soup fiend! I have also been making lentil soup and this weekend pulled out a bean mix given as a Christmas present. The directions included the usual bean washing and sorting command as well as the ubiquitous “discard floaters” command.
I’ve always wondered just what so vile and devious about floating beans that they must be discarded from the rest of the bean team, never having the opportunity to make its way in my mouth, down my stomach. Never will it have the chance to live its destiny to nourish my human body and soul.
How sad to be a floater. It just doesn’t seem fair. The floater bean was born like his brethren bean. It grew, was reaped, packaged, stored and sold along with them, seemingly sharing the same attributes that would allow it to fulfill its life’s purpose. It did only what it was supposed to do and through unlucky genetics or quirk of nature it failed to fully develop. It makes it all the way through the sorting process only to be found deficient during the soaking stage. Then it is plucked out and thrown in the trash. Rejected. Discarded. And why? Because it lacks the guts of “normal” beans and thus the density required to please our palate.
The floater is a morsel of God, rejected by a child of God.
I began to wonder, are there human floaters too? What of the many human beings, who through no fault of their own, lack whatever attributes that make the rest of humanity reject them as deficient. Some of these human floaters may have been born into a futile environment, surrounded by a world of despair and hopelessness from the time they leave the womb. Maybe they were born to a single parent, or otherwise in poverty so stifling their parents, like their parents, and theirs before them, see no way out.
Other floaters may have been born with genetic quirks that leave them susceptible to who knows what—depression, alcoholism, and lots of other “isms” to boot. At some point the system weeds the floaters out. Some are like the kid in Charlie Brown with the storm cloud over his or her head, troubled, can’t hold a job. Some panhandle, some turn tricks, others turn to crime. All are floaters.
But what about “personal responsibility?”. Can they not lift themselves up by the bootstraps even though they started with these handicaps? The fact is that without much remedial help, without loving dedicated attention, the answer is no, they cannot. They lack even the bootstraps.
While of course with God all things are possible, it is as President John F. Kennedy said in his inaugural speech, “here on earth God’s work must surely be our own.”
Human beans—human beings—are obviously not veggie beans. As a child of God they are never to be discarded, and thankfully they often are not. Family, friends, the church and yes, even government social programs salvage many a human floater. Still, many others share the bean’s fate.
Often all it would take is an acknowledgement from a fellow human be’an--a complete stranger would do—a pat on the back, a smile or kindly word. Sometimes such attention will turn a human floater away from self-termination (suicide) towards the tiny sliver of sunlight opened by this show of compassion. Then one step and another and before long this floater re-joins the mix of healthy human be’ans in the soup of life.
Truly, human kindness separates the beans from the boys.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Corporate Welfare is Killing America
Over the last 25 years, the Federal Reserve has catered to the financial industry, which contributes hundreds of millions of dollars to Washington politicians, by collectivizing the risk of big investors. As Phillips says, we citizens take all the risk "of collapsed currencies, flawed speculation, busted hedge funds or the greedy misjudgments of large banks or brokerage firms" (think Bear Sterns) while they keep all the profits when times are flush. Combined with upper-tier tax cuts, this corporate corruption has led to the widest divide between rich and poor since the pre-crash 1920s, a most ominous sign of a shrinking middle class.
Adding to this chicanery, the Bureau of Labor Statistics understates inflation by excluding from the Consumer Price Index such expensive items as gasoline and food. The real rate of inflation is 6 percent to 9 percent, not the officially reported 2.7 percent. This under-reporting allows the government to avoid automatic COLA (cost-of-living adjustments) to Social Security benefits, thus cheating deserving citizens out of billions of dollars of their rightful money. It also allows the Fed to set imprudently low interest rates, thus opening the spigot to the cheap money that greedy speculators turned into the subprime mortgage crisis.
Corporate capitalists love to preach "free markets," ignoring the fact that markets corrupted by such government manipulations are anything but free. They shout "personal responsibility!" when opposing government aid for the rank-and-file Americans who sweat for them, yet hypocritically reject it for themselves with the golden parachutes they use to flee the failed companies they helped sink.It is this wolf-guarding-the-henhouse phenomenon throughout our government that destroys our democracy.
When big money dictates government policy, including deregulation, bail-outs, kickbacks, no-bid contracts, war-making and even the brazen ability to write the laws that benefit them instead of the public interest (the ruse Bankruptcy Protection Act, for example), America ceases to be a free democracy, thus imperiling the middle class that so depends on it.America's middle class needs a government that acts in the best interest of all, not just those at the top.
Publicly financed elections, strict control of lobbyists and a prohibition of even the appearance of impropriety are essential reforms.
But, like a good doctor tending a sick patient, government must first do no harm.
Monday, April 14, 2008
When to Celebrate Killing--When to Condemn it
How appropriate a name—SADr City. And how macabre that we should celebrate deaths, the more of them we kill, the further along the road to success we apparently are.
This concept really got me to thinking. What is truth? Does the death of some people truly lead to a better state of affairs on earth, indeed does it get us closer to “doing on earth as it is in Heaven?” One need only look at the world’s bloodiest war in history, WWII, to see that at least for that war the answer is a resounding “YES!” That is, the mounting deaths and attrition of the Nazis and the Japanese led to the eventual end of that horrible war. If there truly is such a phenomena as morality, as “right or wrong” then WWII was a perfect black/white example of it.
The Nazi and Japanese warlords were truly evil. The allies were the white-knighted saints, forced into battle by the evil side’s aggression. WWII was a literal battle to the end. There was no compromise, no truce, no arrangements possible except the utter destruction of one side or the other. The Greatest Generation is termed so because they recognized the stakes they were called to defend, they did so eagerly with little thought to their individual, selfish ways, instead melding as a unit for the defense of not only their country, but for freedom everywhere.
To me, a very self-oriented, life-of-leisure liberal, idealist romantic, such heroism and sacrifice is the apex of service. I would hope beyond hope that if I were in their shoes I would have readily traded them for boots and so rise to their level of dedication. Looking back it seems such a tremendous effort that I can only be honest by saying, “I don’t know that I would.”
While today’s battlefields are no less bloody, they are fought over causes with far less moral clarity. Starting with Vietnam and now Iraq an objective and neutral observer might very well see the United States as not only the aggressor—that is undoubtedly true—but also one without just cause, making this aggressor “the bad guy.”
If so, what must we therefore make of the deaths we now inflict?
Sunday, April 06, 2008
The Day I said Yes to Everything
My morning run, shower and shave refreshed my body as my mind was full of joyous optimism, and off to work I drove! Greeting co-workers on the way to my office, a steamy cup of coffee by my side I fired up the laptop to check the morning mail. What’s this—“Please help the hungry in Botswana, YOUR donation of $16.50 will provide a bowl of rice for a YEAR for a starving child…” “YES” I said, and gladly responded with my credit card payment.
Ah, my vendor friend writes, leads off with a joke…what’s that—FUNNY! —Uh oh, here it comes… "Please confirm that order for the purple suits with the yellow stripe—after all, you said you wanted to be different,” he pled. “Sure” I responded, and add the purple pants to boot. Oy ve! How did HE know this was my day to say yes?
Next email, from a saintly, sweet-sounding lass who I did not recognize named Christina St. Marie, but she seemed to know me for she wrote in the subject line “Hello Richard!” So I opened it up to see GENERIC VIAGARA—GETTHETASTEOFGENUINESEXUALPLEASURE. Well, this is your lucky day, Christina, here’s my order. Another came from Tiffany with a cryptic subject line promising MALE ENHANCEMENT, HUGE, NIRVANA blah blah. Hello! This was my day to say yes after all
Then there was one from Buffy,”YOUR Cialis order ready to ship.” It is? Great, and boy was my American Express getting a workout today. Then Angel Gonzalez emailed me, another stranger, but such a nice greeting in the subject line, “Richard I miss you”, so I opened it to find, SUPER HOT EXPLICIT BABES WAITING TO -----YOUR----.” Come on, I thought, what timing, first Viagra, then “Male enhancement” followed by Cialis, now this—but what choice did I have. I had a feeling that more than my credit card would be getting a workout.
The emails poured in, as if they all knew Richard Dawahare must say yes today. There were the political campaigns, “Say yes to Ralph Nader,” “Tell Hillary you’re for her!” “Sign on to Obama.” Then the moment of truth, “Support Senator McCain. Oy ve, okay, OKAY, yes, yes YES to you all! . I even responded to an email in Russian, I have no idea what, can you translate “Клиентская поддержка”? I dunno, but I responed “Da!” Lord knows what I did, but I was consistent at least.
And of course, I got three free credit scores, lowered my debt twice, opened four more checking accounts and started buying various “meds” from a trusted new on-line pharmacy, for they warned, “YourLocalDrugStroesDon'TSellMedsWitohutPrecsrpition?” Good thing today was my day to say yes or I’d have never answered such a helpful, potentially life-saving offer. Bless them!
Once on the streets there were the usual askers of help, who I never refuse. Good lord, did they know, too, that I was bound to say “yes”? Would they ask this day for a small fortune? With joy and relief did I answer, “Sure!” to a request for $5 and another for spare change.
Then there were the petition drives. First, a drive to impeach Bush and Cheney. Then one to restore voting rights to released felons. There was a Pro Peace, Pro Israel, Anti-divestment petition, then a Pro Peace, Pro Palestinian, end the Occupation petition just down the street. I signed them all, for this was my day to say YES!
I opened new charge accounts at Target and Meijer’s, redeemed coupon offers for products I never use, including for feminine hygiene and makeup removal. And in the mall I even stopped at the “Dead Sea” skin care kiosk and said “Yes” to the girl with the big smile--the one I just knew was reserved exclusively for me--as she asked “Pardon me sir, can I ask you a question?” I Gave her my hand and let her rub it raw with the so-called healing salts. Lucky for me that she didn’t ask me to buy anything, only to ask if she could try that sandpaper substance on my hand.
The day was ending and I thought I’d said my last ‘yes’ when in the car ride home Dave Oreck asked me to try the Oreck XL for a free test. Yes! I said as I jotted down the number, even though I have a Beam central vac system.
Now, while I go with fate and whatever karma holds, I do subscribe to the philosophy that God helps those who help themselves. So in order to avoid any further opportunities to say ‘yes’ I switched from the AM to commercial-free FM public radio. To prove that there is NO escaping Karma the last thing I heard just before the whirr of the garage door closing was, “So PLEASE, call in your pledge NOW…”
In all it was a day of liberation—‘YES’ to all, without prejudice or judgment, remorse or elation. For today at least I had all the answers and great peace of mind.
Yes I did.
Doesn't matter if a toaster ran against McCain, he wouldn't win.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Shakespeare in the Park. (Schweitzer too)
On my walk through Woodland Park today I stopped at Black Swan bookstore. My friend Mike Courtney is a book expert who has thousands of books, many rare and valuable along with others that are well, just books. Books of all sorts and all ages, on all topics.
I happened across "The Wit and Wisdom of Albert Schweitzer" a thin book (with large print) from 1949 of musings from this great humanitarian and seeker of truth. While chatting with Mike I picked up a little green suede book of Shakespeare's songs and sonnets--100 years old! Both were only $10. Can you imagine--a 100 year old book of the master bard's work--oh and the cool thing is that each page contains one short sonnet, not a long hard-to-read tome.
As I went back through the park the colors of the books seemed to blend in with those of the park, so it was a natural instinct to capture the moment--Shakespeare (and Schweitzer) in the Park!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Rejecting Barabbas
Many will replay the Passion story and deride the crowd who shouted "give us Barabbas!" instead of choosing Jesus, the Way to life, and to truth and to peace and to heaven. Yet the choice must be for all of his Way. Believers must therefore seek not merely righteousness, but also mercy and charity and humility. Their offers of prayers and support are due the fallen, especially for brethren who admit error and strive for reconciliation, as has Spitzer. A refusal to do so is a rejection of the Way and a choice for Barabbas.
To be human is to err. We choose Barabbas when we knowingly do an unethical or dishonest act or, conversely, fail to act mercifully when others have chosen Barabbas. When we consider that we all have chosen Barabbas, willingly or not, at one time or another it becomes much easier to show such compassion.
Ultimately, it is in our openness to removing the board from our own eyes that we can help others remove the speck from theirs. In the process, we find our own redemption.
Rejecting Barabbas, we have risen to the highest choice.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What’s Killing the Bats of New England....... And why we should care

The bats of New England are dropping like flies. 8,000-11,000 bats in Albany, NY area caves have died, over half the estimated bat population. Bats have been dying off throughout caves in New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
They are victims of White Nose Syndrome, so called because of the white fungus found on the noses of all dead bats. Scientists are not sure what is actually causing the bats’ deaths or how they got the fungus, but speculation is that cavers are perhaps spreading some virus that has caused the infestation. Little brown bats are sustaining the largest number of deaths, but the Indiana bat, an endangered species, as well as northern long-eared, eastern pipistrelle and other bat species are affected.
So why should we care? Well, for one bats are voracious eaters of crop- killing, people-biting insects. Too few bats will throw the whole ecological balance out of kilter.
Then there’s the suffering thing. Can you imagine having something like the bubonic plague. Pain, starvation, rotting innards, mental distress—all to the point of a miserable, lonely death. Now, it’s just a bat you say and nobody did anything to them, they got a naturally occurring disease and that's that.
But this gets to the nature of empathy and just how far we should go with extending it. The rebel Jesus took it to what is a still-revolutionary height by demanding we love not only our neighbor, but our enemy as well. That is, we should walk in the other’s shoes, pray for and extend good will to them, as we would to ourselves. Easy with those we like, devilishly hard for those we, ahem, don’t.
Yet we don't stop with enemies, we also show compassion, humanity, with animals, especially pets, who we tend to treat pretty much like one of the family. But why should we stop there? Why not show the same concern with any and all sentient beings?
Does the size of that being matter, or whither to and fro it flies, crawls or burrows? A little bug of some sort was crawling on my pants as I was sitting one day. I wondered, just what did the world look like from that teeny weeny itsy bitsy body, just larger than a speck of sand. It certainly had awareness. Like every living being I’ve ever seen it would scurry from pain and hurry to pleasure.
If we were that little bug would we want to stay sacrosanct, that is, would we want to stay secure in our body, would we want not to be stepped upon, or go splat on a windshield or be eaten by a bird? Would we want to nourish ourselves, maybe grab a crumb from the fiber off my thigh?
Feelings are feelings regardless of size or type of sentient being. Of course, human feelings are of the highest importance in terms of our earthly priorities, thus our concern for the “sanctity of human life.” But just because Fido looks at us with those big baleful eyes, tongue hanging out, tail wagging wildly should not have us forget that squirrel or snake or sparrow or squiggly little centipede all have the same feelings. It's just that we don’t have the same feelings for them.
But why is that relevant? Like any pursuit, is not our successful expression of compassion made stronger with exercise? Just because some creatures are less susceptible to personification, why should we let our subjective emotion overrule our uniquely human capacity to will empathy for those we find less loveable.
Like the stranger. Like the enemy. And like the bats of New England.
Richard F. Dawahare 2/20/08
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Edith, Archie and the (falsified) 22nd Psalm
I am working on a book, Jesus vs. Christianity, wherein I hope to share the truth as given me through my life experiences, through prayer and through whatever one can feel as the voice of God, that Jesus, while being God’s most clear light about how we should live to do “on earth as it is in Heaven,” is not God, but God’s most enlightened child, indeed one of the world’s first secular humanists. I have been praying to really know whether this be the truth, and regardless, to know truth, whatever it is.
And so …
Tonight I awoke around 2 am, went to the den, fired up the laptop, turned on the television, and watched All in the Family, which I had loaded in the DVD player.
I was doing some research for another project when this particularly funny episode came on, the one where Edith buys eleven cans of peaches in heavy syrup because it was on sale; the cart gets away and slams into a car. Honest Edith leaves a note and Archie is furious as he assumes they’ll be taken to the cleaners.
Turns out the car owner is a Catholic priest, but Archie thinks he’s a fraud, so he devises a test, asking the priest about the words to the 23rd Psalm. The priest struggles for a minute, and then says, “Oh, your 23rd is the Catholic’s 22nd Psalm.”
Now I did not know if this was true (turned out it was part of the priest’s joke on Archie) so I researched it by Googling “Catholic 22nd Psalm.” I could not believe what I found next: The site, Outreach Judaism, where rabbi Tovia Singer answered a Lutheran Christian who had asked the rabbi why he did not accept Jesus as the messiah, for “Jesus came not only for the gentiles, but for the Jews as well.”
The Lutheran then said, “Because you are a rabbi, I am particularly perplexed as to why you have not willingly accepted Christ. You surely have read the 22nd Psalm which most clearly speaks of our Lord's crucifixion. Read verse 16. It states, "Dogs have compassed me; the assembly of the wicked has enclosed me; they pierced my hands and my feet." Of whom does the prophet speak other than our Lord? This Old Testament prophecy could only be foretelling Jesus' unique death on the cross. What greater proof is needed that Jesus died for the sins of mankind than this chapter which was written a thousand years before Jesus walked this earth?”
Rabbi Singer first reviewed the long history of Christian animus towards Jews (the Lutheran had said that those who persecuted Jewish people were not “real Christians” to which the rabbi asked if that meant Martin Luther was therefore not a Christian, for he was one of the most vocal anti-semites).
Then he got to the crux of the 22nd Psalm. The early Christians, it turns out, intentionally mis-translated the original Hebrew Psalm in order to bolster their claim that the Old Testament foretold of Jesus, and only Jesus, as the Messiah. The true, original text, written in Hebrew, the language of David, the author of the 22nd Psalm verse 17, is: “Dogs have encompassed me. A company of evildoers has enclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet,”NOT “Dogs have compassed me; the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me; they pierced my hands and my feet.”
Said Rabbi Singer, “Notice that when the original words of the Psalmist are read, any allusion to a crucifixion disappears. The insertion of the word "pierced" into the last clause of this verse is a not-too-ingenious Christian interpolation that was created by deliberately mistranslating the Hebrew word kaari as "pierced." The word kaari, however, does not mean "pierced," it means "like a lion." The end of Psalm 22:17, therefore, properly reads, "like a lion they are at my hands and my feet." Had King David wished to write the word "pierced," he would never use the Hebrew word kaari. Instead, he would have written either daqar or ratza, which are common Hebrew words in the Jewish scriptures. Needless to say, the phrase "they pierced my hands and my feet" is a Christian contrivance that appears nowhere in the Jewish scriptures.”
Just think about this a moment. Much of the Christian foundation was built upon not only the words of Jesus and work of his followers, but also the high authority of Old Testament prophesies. When a so-called prophecy like the 22nd Psalm is found to be anything but that, the foundation begins to crack. But hey--no problem! To the extent it allows the light of truth to break through, let the sledgehammer of reason and reality pound away.
I tell you, God works mysterious ways to show me truth. Well, maybe not so much mysterious as…freakin’ uncanny, incredible “get your tukus out of bed and watch your tv and I am going to blow your ever-loving mind my son!”
I now want to learn what else in those ancient texts may have been changed for I care not where truth leads, just that it is the truth.
Richard F. Dawahare
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
An Ode to EBITDA
Your absence doth tell us that something went wrong
The trumpeted profits for which we now long
Have become just a memory, sing we now a sad song
in good times you showed up all decked out in black,
But now times are tough and all manners you lack;
For try as we might to get back ahead
You mock us by dressing your comeback in red;
Oh where is your shoulder on which we can cry,
Instead like a jilting lover you fly;
EBITDA, EBITDA when will you return?
We already know, not until we do earn.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The park is much more interesting in winter. Trees are leafless, but far from lifeless. In the nooks of the bare grey-brown branches, up high in various oaks and walnuts, are nests, squirrel nests. Now and then you'll see the cute little critters digging around for an acorn they'd hid back in the fall, but mostly they are up in those nests, snuggled together, enjoying who know what, the next episode of their favorite sitcom? A classic movie? Or just being?
Being. How nice to just be and for that alone enjoy glee. We are after all human beings, not doings.
But like the squirrel that must build its nest and scavenge for food to enable its rest in the nest--its being--we must also scurry, plan and "do" in order to "be." Hopefully we like what we do and are at peace all the time, not just at rest.
So the trick is to be while we do. The spiritual among us might hand it all over to God, delegate up if you will, as we go about doing what we need, and hopefully like, to do. Others have no need for this and just live life without so much thought.
Certainly for them and all, enjoying what one does is one key to be while we do. But is there more? Is it a matter of zen-like conscious awareness, itself a doing in order to acheive the animal-like presence of being?
If so, it is well worth the effort. And look at it like this: the world, with all its prejudices, agendas, traditions of man--many of them false--and schtick, has entangled our minds and to some degree warped our native, natural awareness we had when first born. Therefore, the special effort to listen to the wisdom of sages past and present and apply it to our lives is necessary to unravel the world's warping influence.
In a sense we can regain our sanity and serenity by returning, in mind and spirit, to our original nest, our mother's womb. Love, pure unadulterated love, that starts inward and reaches out to and through the universe.
Keep that and we can change the world.
Richard F. Dawahare 1/19/08
Thursday, January 03, 2008
An Ode to General Dietrich von Choltitz

It is a rare and mighty event when one, as I, can say they were part of the first mega-mega-mega-mega-mega-mega change in the history of one of the Western world’s most historic cities.
Today, January 2, 2008, I arrived in Paris on the very first day France has banned smoking in all bars and restaurants. There are few sea-change seminal events in a nation or culture’s history, but for Paris, a bastion of individual freedom, the smoking ban ranks near the top.
Even more uncanny is my discovery, after two days of awe-filled wonder with Paris’ unparalelled magnificance, that none of it would be here but for German general Dietrich von Choltitz. General Choltitz, at risk to his family’s life as well as his own, disobeyed Hitler’s order to burn Paris to the ground. Were one to make a bet that Von Choltitz would refuse Hitler the odds would have been a million to one. After all, he grew up in the Prussian military tradition and was perhaps Hitler’s most dependable general. Simply, he did what he was told. He did not hesitate to destroy Rotterdam or Sevastopol, or to execute scorched earth policies while retreating from the Russians.
But a meeting with Hitler just prior to his new post in Paris may have fractured his mind enough to allow the sunlit rays of reason and rational humanity to compete with his military code of blind obedience. Hitler, shaken by the assassination attempts and other pressures was a rambling mess. His new edict, the Sippenhaft Law, that families of disobedient officers would be killed left von Choltiz realizing how bestial Germanic culute had become.
However, what may have fortified his newfound resolve for looking beyond the soldier’s oath of loyalty was this plea from Paris mayor Pierre Charles Tattinger as they met at the general’s posh Meurice Hotel headqurters overlooking the Tuilerie Gardens, the Seine and the golden dome of Les Invalides, with the Eiffel Tower just beyond:
"Often it is given a general to destroy, rarely to preserve. Imagine that one day it may be given you to stand on this balcony again, as a tourist, to look once more on these monuments to our joys, to our sufferings, and be able to say, 'One day I could have destroyed this, and I preserved it as a gift to humanity.' General, is not that worth all a conqueror's glory?"
General von Holtitiz delayed, fed lies to Hitler’s high command and othrwise prevented Paris from becoming another Dresden, just as the French Second army, the U.S. 4th Infantry and the impassioned French resistance reclaimed the City of Light. General von Choltitz surrendered at the Meurice. He was to be tried in absentia in Germany for treason, but his highly placed friends managed to delay the trial until the war’s rend, thus preventing his court-martial and his family’s lives.
But we shall never know whether he would have destroyed Paris as part of a siege in a defensive military operation for then the general may have seen the razing of Paris as a jusitified military maneuver. It was apparent to him, however, that the German high command had no real interest in defending Paris for they kept moving toops out and failed to provide promised reinforcements. Thus, in the general’s eyes to destroy the city just for Hitler’s pleasure was a totally unjust cause. Anyway, so that this Ode may be pure, I will prefer to believe that general von Choltitz would never have destroyed Paris in any event.
So it is most ironic, incredibly so, that I come to a Paris saved from external flames on the day it extinguishes the internal ones. Now to the question Is Paris burning? we can truly answer, not anymore.
Richard F. Dawahare 1/3/08
Note :
After learning about general Von Choltitz I gathered the information for this pièce from an artile on by Kelly Bell.