Thursday, February 24, 2005

Stop the Darfur holocaust!

Saw Hotel Rwanda Sunday. Shook my head as post-holocaust vows of "NEVER AGAIN" went hypocritically unheeded as, UGH, yet again it happens. Because victims were African, and not so systematically sequestered and scientifically eliminated I suppose "NEVER AGAIN" may technically not have applied. Why else could those with a conscious--me top of the list--have continued rooting the Cats, focusing on local injustices, raising our kids or otherwise living life oblivious to the tragedy unfolding in Rwanda 10 years ago.

IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN, NOW, in Darfur, Sudan!! I credit my seeing the movie Sunday and Nicholas Kristof's NY TIMES piece today (, COMPLETE WITH PHOTOS, for this plea for action.

PLEASE, GO TO THE SITES BELOW TO WRITE OUR CONGRESSPEOPLE and do whatever we can to stop the genocide and bring about a higher justice. Thank you and take care, Rd

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