Monday, April 25, 2005

God in Government


I have determined to differ from my Democratic/secular brothers and sisters. I now believe--TRULY BELIEVE--that our country, our governments need now more than ever to get GOD/GOD'S VALUES into the conduction of our public affairs.

PLEASE NOTE: this would be a drastic 180 degree change from the conduct now prevalent in our highest elected officials! Especially the conduct of those who so ardently drape themselves in the cloak of Christianity!!

My view of the GODLY values not now present that should be are:

1) LOVE--for truth, for each other--neighbor AND so called enemies. This kind of love need not be emotional, indeed often it will NOT be a warm, fuzzy love. This kind of love is simply a wish of good will to others and the intent to further the interests of the other as well as yourself, WIN/WIN SOLUTIONS.

2) TRUTH--seeing, admitting, dealing with reality, with an eye to staying on the LOVE track above (getting win/win solutions).

3) PEACE--Just what it says...seeking peace and rejecting thoroughly the notion that peace can be had through war and weaponry. True peace can only be had with ONE AND TWO, above AND...

4) JUSTICE--Acting with real justice here and abroad consistent with Truth, Love and Peace. "Prayer in schools" "The 10 Commandments" "Under God" in thepledge---these are all RED HERRINGS! While technically they don't fit in with the constitutional separation of church and state I for one do not feel comfortable fighting them.

In fact, I always thought prayer was GOOD, and I BELIEVE in God. Now I know that just like "JUSTICE SUNDAY" God can and is hi-jacked so that proper references to God filled with Good Will and Love are instead twisted into the narrow, exclusionary, hateful themes which we on the left rightfully and constitutionally reject.

But the REAL battle is in the policies, laws and warped leadership by those herding the flock; fighting against prayer and God plays into their hands. If we, and what we believe are God's real values--or for those of us who are non-believers--UNIVERSAL MORAL VALUES--are to prevail we must be "as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

Respectfully, Richard F. Dawahare

1 comment:

Rockwell Raccoon said...


My dear friend, while I respect your intelligence and spirit, I could not disagree with you more.

Secularism is a label that has incorrectly been turned into an ugly word attached to all democrats. It scares me that this seems to be an intentional "theme". "If you are a secularists then you are against God and his values." Very, very dangerous.

You are correct that good values are the only way to ensure the future of us as Americans and as humans.

However, if we try to shut down the secularism then no matter how you look at it, we are then trying to legislate and police values.

Values should come from the church, family and fellow humans. If the churches and families are failing, they should look for better methods.

Otherwise, what are we going to end up with...laws that make it mandatory to go to church? Police that are arresting people for breaking "values laws"? And if so, what denominations are going to be in control of our values government?

Separation of church and state is a good thing. It doesn't mean that we are all heathens, it means that we have religious freedom.

As they like to say, this is a very slippery slope. I look forward to talking to you about this soon.
