Thursday, October 13, 2005

Intelligent Design: A Sinful Affront to God

Denial of reality on a personal level may be harmful, even deadly. But when foisted upon society by its political leaders it can lead to catastrophe.

The Republican/Bush insistence on denying proven science in favor of promoting the fiction of “Intelligent Design” is the latest such example. ID’s proponents are nothing more than propagandists with a creationist agenda to obliterate the wall between church and state.

There is not one shred of scientific evidence to prove their theory, which essentially is that life is so complex it just had to be intelligently designed. In one fell swoop they have dismissed centuries of hard, fact-based research that proves evolution beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt and, with Mr. Bush’s imprimatur, placed unproved and unproveable fiction on an equal plane with observable, repeatable, proven science.

Their abortion of reality follows the same playbook that sells wars on false premises, that rewards cronyism at great Public cost, and that disparages proven cooperative social democratic government for the equally proven disaster of trickle-down.

Like his other reality-denying actions, Bush’s equating ID with evolution is done on behalf of a favored constituency: his conservative religious base. After all, they deliver the votes that enable their democracy-killing lies on the issues that really matters.

This is the same philosophy that sees natural disasters as the Intelligent Designer’s retribution on evil humanity. It is dead-on the same as blaming terrorism on “they hate our freedoms,” while resolutely failing to look deeper and honestly by rationally asking “why?”

Scientific realism in no way diminishes God’s reality. The wondrous complexity of our universe is no less a miracle than it is a mystery. Only through our God-given power of reason and observation have we made what little sense we have of it to this point of our evolution. Replacing this knowledge with mythology is a true sacrilege to God, or in their words, the Intelligent Creator.

The seeds of their error are sewn by the very faith they profess, for the power of religion and belief in God is by FAITH in that which is unseen, unseeable and scientifically unproveable! As Jesus said (JN 20:29), “…Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”

Moo on! RFD 10/13/05

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