Friday, November 03, 2006

Rebuttals to Vote Rigging Charge or Let Jimmy Carter Stay home

I am lucky to have many intelligent friends across the political spectrum. Some have given a different perspective than the one I presented regarding the unreliability of electronic, paperless voting machines. I list them verbatim below.

I believe they each have merit and admit that I truly do not know the level, if any, of fraud that actually exists. I am convinced, however, that the potential for fraud is more than has ever existed with old fashioned paper ballots.

1) There are safeguards. Your a bit overzealous.

2) If these accusations are true, then people should be in prison.

3) We have had electronic voting machines for almostthirty years. There has not been one case of provenvoting fraud with these machines. I know we do havethe Rev. "Mr. "shakedown Jesse Jackson, stating everyelection cycle .. Fraud .. Fraud. I find itinteresting he has not been successful with anydisenfranchisement suit. However, I would argue that voting fraud is not arepublican issue. It is a democratic and republicanissue. We have had cases in New York in the lastelection cycle that 77,000 dead people voted. Additionally, how about states like Maryland who countabsentee votes two days after the polls close. Or,how about election fraud issues in high populatedareas by which senior folks homes and people withAlzheimer's are targeted. I think these are the casesthat we need to expose.

4) I thought the entire point of using electronic voting machines was to cut down on fraud. It was long alleged that paper ballot elections were easily rigged with mountains of fraudulent ballots; now it is said that electronic ballots are easily manipulated. I find it hard to believe that the Democratic Party would stand idly by and do nothing if they thought that a particular election was rigged.

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