Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Elections and the (psychotic) State of the Union

The conventions laid bare the psychotic state of the union. And nothing better portrays our bi-polar body politic than the Republican convention. How else to explain why the party of Jesus is able to shout love and life in one breath then spew lies, hate and hypocrisy in the next, all to the roaring and prolonged cheers of those who deep down should know better than to accept the fraud fed to them like red meat thrown to ravenous wolves.

McCain/Palin are banking their whole campaign on this delusion, hoping that their web of lies will once again ensnare voters too scared or scornful to see reality. McCain's biggest lie is that he is now all of a sudden for change and that he is best suited for it.

Change? For what, exactly? Certainly he does not mean a change from disastrous Bush policies that have under-funded government's rightful ability to help the average American, for McCain calls for even more tax cuts. Does anyone need reminding that the mortgage and credit crises were caused by lax federal oversight and laws written by the credit industry who were given that favor with their large payoffs to the Republican-led politicians paid to do their bidding?

Surely he can't mean change in our bull-in-a-china-shop foreign policy, as he has long called for attacking Iran, and he seems too intent on exerting American military might in places and at times that are totally inappropriate for it.

McCain has been part and parcel of the Republican-dominated federal government for over 20 years. In fact, according to the Congressional Voting Studies the self-proclaimed "maverick" McCain has voted with President Bush 95 percent of the time.

Let that sink in: The man now calling for change is apparently admitting the errors of his whole previous career in Washington and is willing to change course.

Yet, if this is so, why choose Sarah Palin as his running mate? For she stands as firmly for those same disproven policies as McCain, and she is just as eager to lie about it. Her claim that she's a master pork fighter is completely bogus. As a mayor, Palin hired a lobbyist to canvass Washington annually to support earmarks for Wasilla totaling $27 million. As governor she has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the nation's largest per capita request.

Palin's biggest whopper is her one and only professed credential to fight pork (as if that is even the biggest problem facing America), namely her opposition to the famous $398 million "bridge to nowhere." In fact she supported the bridge until it became a national embarrassment and the impossibility of its construction became a fait accompli. As governor in August 2006, she said, "We need to come to the defense of southeast Alaska when proposals are on the table, like the bridge, and not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project or any other into something that's so negative," according to the Ketchikan Daily News.

McCain/Palin foisted other distortions as well. From the real nature of the tax proposals (Obama's would actually leave a big majority of citizens with 5 percent more after-tax income, McCain's with only 3 percent) to the true mission of Republican politics (diminishing Social Security, Medicaid and public education). McCain/Palin covered their lies with a thick layer of lipstick.

Coated with Prozac.

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