Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Boehner Republican Fraud

The Republican fraud continues to get more bold and blatant. House Speaker John Boehner just said that now was not the time to raise taxes, that doing so would hurt the national interest.

TWO QUESTIONS: 1) Does he realize the taxes talked about being raised are on the top 2%, the ones who raked in trillions from the Bush tax cuts (on top of the trillions they already control) and NOT the middle and lower income earners--the 90% of Americans on whom our nation's economic success positively depends for we live in a post-production society whereby consumerism, i.e. people buying things, drives the economy. It is from these people that wealth has flowed upwards, leaving too little dollars (and way too much debt from past spending) to continue the necessarily high pace of spending required to reach full employment.

2) If not now when is EVER a good time to reverse HIS party's tax cuts (these aren't really tax increases, just a reversal of their horribly misguided cuts that contributed TO our current ills). Why on earth--WHY ON EARTH--would they ever needed to have cut taxes after a Clinton term that saw the rich get richer than ever, that had left us with a federal budget surplus and when things were for most Americans going swimmingly well?? (Answer: to starve govt so as to reduce social programs--they simply hate the poor and downtrodden--notice how quick Bush got rid of that flagrantly false slogan "compassionate conservative?" Hah, what a joke!).

Today's Republican leaders are a bankrupt lot --politically, morally, intellectually. Using outright untruths they play to the worst in our world, to fear, to hate, to selfish greed. These people now obstructing America's recovery, now obstructing true job CREATION and now spending their time on nothing but obstructing a president they don't like are after all the SAME people who PUT US IN THIS MESS--with de-regulation, with tax cuts, with record spending way before Obama took office (they raised the debt ceiling 7 times and by $4 TRILLION) and worse of all...with illegal and immoral WAR! They have no standing whatsoever.

They are and have been the problem, not even close to the solution. (Not that the Democrats have all the answers--too many have sold out or otherwise capitulated to moneyed interests that also influence them away from doing what is best for the greater public interest, but still, there is a major difference between the parties.)

President Obama MUST and WILL act unilaterally to raise the debt ceiling so that we can honor our obligations and then move forward. Congress be damned.

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