Thursday, August 04, 2011

Facts prove the Republican assault on America

Republicans, in a futile effort to deflect from the truth, continue to paint Democrats as anti-private enterprise socialists. The fact is that Republican policies—eight long years of the Bush administration, the first six with a Republican-controlled Congress—were disastrous for private enterprise and the nation as a whole. Here are the FACTS, undisputable, 100% accurate FACTS:

BUSH’S ECONOMIC RECORD (from the U.S. Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics):

1) Under George W. Bush the nation LOST 673,000 private sector jobs! That’s right—LOST jobs, first time since before the Great Depression. Net employment was up by 1.08 million jobs ONLY because of government and federal employment increases---ahhhh, the dreaded, hated government bails Bush out, ever so little. His job creation/loss is the worst record by far since WWII. (Under Bill Clinton, for example, the nation created 23 million jobs, 21% payroll expansion compared to Bush’s paltry 2.3%). SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics

2) MEDIAN INCOME: Beginning of Bush’s term it was $52,500. At the end, $50,303, a DECLINE of 4.2%. Bush therefore is the only president in modern times to preside over an income DECLINE through his two terms in office. Under Bill Clinton median income GREW from $46,603 to $52,500.

3) NUMBER IN POVERTY: Beginning of term 31.6 million lived in poverty. End of his term—39.8 MILLION, an increase of 26.1%! Under Clinton poverty declined 16.9%.

4) CHILD POVERTY: an increase of 21% under Bush. Under Clinton declined 24.2%.

5) AMERICANS WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE: Under Bush those numbers rose by 20.6% (flat under Clinton).

Regardless of what quality of life measure you use it is beyond dispute that Republican policies have lowered them for all Americans EXCEPT the very rich. The richest 10% now control over 73% of our nation’s wealth. Income disparity is now the greatest that it has ever been since the 1929 market crash. Bush tax cuts HURT America helping only a scant few of the very rich (although they are very short-sighted, a weakened America will imperil them just as happened after 1929!).

Clinton’s tax increase, conversely, helped ALL Americans and made America stronger and better. The numbers prove this truth beyond any shadow of a doubt. We ARE all in this together. E pluribus Unum—“from many, ONE.” Collective action for the greater good. It is the only proven way for our long term national welfare.

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