Thursday, October 04, 2012

No debate: Romney rolled!

No debating: Romney rolled!

Mitt always was a smooth talker. Last night he combined that gift with gusto and confidence. It mattered not that most of what he was saying was flagrantly incorrect, unsupported by history or facts. What mattered was that he said it with such conviction that "on the fence" voters who don't pay that close attention to the nitty gritty detail of policy will believe it. What mattered even more was that President Obama basically let the errors stand unchallenged.

That's where the "debate" part of a debate comes in. One side makes statements and claims and it is up to the other side to challenge, correct and offer a higher standard of truth on the issue presented. President Obama sounded professorial and was technically correct. But on the big he went small. Check that...ABSENT.

Romney kept repeating the infamous lie that Obamacare will cut $716 billion from Medicare for seniors. Where was Obama's stinging rebuke? ABSENT, shockingly nothing but silence.

Romney kept lambasting the power of the federal government to do, well, basically anything. Well, anything but running a huge war machine--he wants to ADD $2 TRILLION, to the military's budget. TWO-TRILLION! Yet where was the President on repeating the long, over 200+ year history of the proven power of the federal government to help order this great nation's affairs, in helping create the world's greatest standard of living for the greatest amount of people--the vaunted MIDDLE CLASS--and thereby creating what most Americans take pride in as the beacon for the world to follow? Where? Where? Where was the lead standard-bearer and truth-teller of our nation's rich heritage of successful collective action through the federal government of the United States of America?  ABSENT, shockingly absent.

Obama even said that their positions on Social Security were about the same. Let's hope not! For starters Romney wants to raise the retirement age and lower benefits for those under 55. The fuller picture is that he is part of the Republican machine that wants to privatize it.

At least Obama stood his (our) ground on Medicare, drawing a sharp line between Romney's voucher plan, which is basically privatization.

But again, he missed a HUGE opportunity to stand for America's absolute dependence on a strong federal government.   When Romney said he wanted the states to be free to deliver medical care and adopt the system he helped usher in Massachusetts when he was governor Obama should have stated the obvious:  the states have HAD that opportunity for a millennium, but for whatever reason they do not or cannot act.  The ultimate and primary defender of not only people’s individual, Constitutional rights but also the services and safety net so many people need for their daily existence is…THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  It’s been that way forever. 

Power in numbers, power in unity, power in collective action for the greater good.  That’s the truth President Obama should have repeated over and over and over.

Something’s up, for Obama is too sharp to miss such opportunities unintentionally.  Maybe he really does agree with Romney and the Republicans for the most part.  Maybe that is why there was no fight for real financial reform.  Maybe that is why there was no move to end the Bush tax cuts for the highest income group early in his presidency.  Maybe that is why he accepted quarter measures in Obamacare (still, much better than nothing).

Maybe that is the real Obama—a left-centrist social liberal and right-centrist fiscal conservative. 

Perhaps it was too audacious, but we had hoped for more.

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