Security is a legitimate concern for Israel. And being so removed it is hard to put oneself in the shoes of either an Israeli or a Palestinian. Regardless, the Wall of Apartheid that Israel is building around and through the West Bank is a rank injustice, imprisoning hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, stealing land, water, homes, farms, heritage and livelihood, and ALL financed by the American taxpayer.
Now walls can be a great blessing or heartbreaking tragedy. Nehemiah led the ancient Israelites to rebuild Jerusalem's walls, which represented power, protection and beauty. Contrarily, the Berlin Wall, built out of fear and hate, was a monstrous obscenity. Israel's apartheid wall is both blessing (for illegal Israeli settlers) and beast (for everybody else). In its desperate attempt to secure their citizens, Israel's wall will only further fuel the flames of discord.
Please see this link for information about this wall--at 408 miles more than 5 times the length of the Berlin Wall, and up to 24' high.
And like the Berlin wall, I can't help but think that no matter how mighty it is, the pure force of righteousness will cause its demise.
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