Today in Rotary I was confronted once again by the Four Way test, the one dad always preached as the guide to follow about anything I thought, said or did. The test:
1) Is it the TRUTH; 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned; 3) Will it build GOODWILL and better friendships; 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
I often wonder if Jesus himself was able to follow this test. I know I often fail, especially when making critical observations as I did about Governor Fletcher’s appointment of Ronald Green to the Executive Ethics Commission. I was truthful and it was fair, but did I build goodwill and better friendships and was it beneficial to all concerned?
After struggling with trying to figure out how to advance the cause of truth and justice yet still remain true to the Four Way test, I may have come up with something. Instead of attacking and lamenting the parties’ ethical shortcomings I will simply illuminate the failure, the inherent conflict of interest, the rationale behind the rule about avoiding the mere appearance of impropriety and then end with this:
Please Governor Fletcher, reconsider your appointment, and select another candidate who is thoroughly clean of any potential conflict. To Mr. Green, please refuse this appointment, noting that accepting it would give the appearance of impropriety based on your long financial and judicial support of the one appointing you.
By offering this advice, this truth, I will have helped them do better, be better and be better regarded in the public eye. I will have also furthered a result that is truly beneficial to all concerned and in the process built goodwill and better friendships.
Richard F. Dawahare 7/19/07
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