Sunday, August 15, 2004

Welcome to a quest for Peace and Justice

Do you see contradictions all around you--like billionaire Donald Trump filing for bankruptcy? Or sweet saintly grandmas gambling like like there's no tomorrow, thereby giving the Good Housekeeping Seal to what was once a decidedly evil vice.

Maybe it's just the nagging concern about living a life of plenty in America, when the large swath of the earth enabling our bounty suffers greatly. If you're Christian do you see inconsistencies with political leaders who proudly don their Christian faith, yet act--and vote laws--that oppose Jesus' teachings?

If so, then walk with me, talk with me, as we explore the path to the Highest truth. The goal is to define just how to be good Citizens Of the World--the COW in PeaceCow. [Also, I love cows as they provide us so much--from food and apparel to beautiful pastoral scenes, and all they do is placidly chew and melodiously moo].

I must add that just today my friend (yes, I've really got one!) Mike Dickerson, encouraged me to start a Blog to discuss my political/philosophical views. I therefore thank him and hope I can further the cause of Peace and Justice in our world.

Looking forward to the journey, Richard F. Dawahare Lexington, Kentucky

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