Saturday, November 19, 2011

Republicans trash conservative values

            Lost in the ideological headlock that has Republican Congressmen—like pigs possessed—throwing themselves off the cliff of rationality, is the fact that true conservative values are essential to America’s nationhood.  The problem is not with the values, but rather with the self-interest of those who have hijacked and warped them to suit their narrow purposes.

            True to its name, conservatism should be all about preserving America’s essence, its foundational character.  It should be about honoring and strengthening the values our founders followed in forging a union that would become the world’s new great hope.
            From the first Thanksgiving to the Declaration of Independence and the drafting of the Constitution collective action was vital not merely for the greater good, but for the nation’s very creation, survival and eventual growth.  Working together for a purpose greater than any one individual or group’s special interest is therefore a value worth conserving. 
            As is individual effort and personal responsibility.  In a free land that honors liberty and justice for all collective action with individual enterprise combined to create the world’s most successful country, enjoying the highest standard of living for the greatest amount of people and, until recently, providing moral leadership. 

            Yet today’s Republican leaders are trashing conservative values!  They trumpet personal responsibility for the little guy, but the really big and strong ones who need not one cent they instead give trillions.  That’s right, Congressional Republicans (and sure, some Democrats too) have repaid their corporate benefactors by giving them obscene tax subsidies, allowing them to escape hundreds of billions in taxes they rightfully should owe.  

            In the 1950’s, when America was at her zenith, corporate taxes paid for more than a quarter of the federal government’s outlays.  Today that has dropped to a mere 6%.  In that same period federal corporate tax collections fell from nearly 5% of GDP to a paltry 1.16% now.   The sad and unbelievable truth is that most American taxpayers pay more federal income taxes than General Electric, Boeing, Dupont, Wells Fargo, Verizon, (and many others) combined.  (But there is one tax increase Republicans not only support, but demand:  higher payroll taxes on poor and middle class taxpayers by refusing to extend the small cuts put in place last year).

            While using government for their own narrow aims they dis it at every turn.  The collective action so instrumental to our nation’s creation and growth they decry as socialism, an evil to be shunned.  Yet they are oblivious to the fact that collective action saved America.  Whether through FDR’s activism, the GI Bill, Social Security and Medicare, our vaunted military, and a million other ways, collective action through our federal government has created the America we know and love.  

            So instrumental was collective action to our national heritage that we inscribed the  slogan, “e pluribus unum” –literally, ‘from many, one’—on the dollar bill. 

            Collective action evil?   Just the opposite.   On the contrary, read Acts 4:32-36.

            Go ahead, I dare you.


Annegw said...

I have been thinking about that Scripture passage from the Book of Acts. "Socialism."

Tchinn said...

Richie - I am sure you know this, but almost all commands in the Bible of for Christ Believers and not governments. Government has taken over most of Christ teachings for its benifits of inpowerment. We as Christians have backed off with helping the poor, needy, widows, and those in prison. If we reliy on politicans to make life "sweet", we are doomed - and it looks like they are forcing us there. But we as Christians can stand out and get back to helping and providing one person at a time. Personally I really want our government to be more responsible with our treasurers. Putting the right statesmen in is a goal everytime around. I pray it happens this time. But the Bible tell us what is to come - read the last Chapter. BTW I'm a bid EWF fan as well....

H said...

In addition to the 1950s comment, the top marginal tax rate in the 50s was set at 90%! We as a collective society said that $2 million (adjusted for inflation) should be the cut-off mark, but today all sense of proportion has been lost. sadly, rasing this point is met by cries of "socialism"
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